- To protect your teeth, your must regularly and correctly take care of your mouth, as well as visiting your dentist twice a year. In case of even minor problems related to mouth and teeth, you should not delay dentist visit. Anybody that observes all these rules almost avoids the possibility of tooth extraction. Today, many teeth are saved from being extracted, thanks to successful root canal treatments. Tooth extraction is rather required in acute gum diseases and periodontal diseases. If it is decided to extract the tooth, some measures should be taken before and after extraction.
Before extraction of tooth, you should inform your dentist if you have any disease such as cardiac, diabetes or hypertension, or any allergy against any medicine or food, medication that requires continuity, or cases of pregnancy. Otherwise problems may arise after extraction.
Issues to pay attention after extraction of tooth are: The tampon placed on the place of extraction must not be removed for at least 20 minutes... After removing tampon, no cotton or paper napkin should be placed on the wound. . You should not eat food for two hours, otherwise you may bite your cheeks or lips as anaesthesia effect continues... For the first day, avoid very hot and very cold food and drinks, and granular food... Avoid smoking and taking alcohol for 24 hours, and reduce smoking for a few days thereafter... Avoid painkillers involving Aspirin... For the first day, avoid continuously washing your mouth with water and using mouthwash. On the following days, use the mouthwash recommended by your dentist... Wound of the extraction must not be tampered with tongue or fingers… All these recommendations are to ensure that the wound on the extraction place is not affected, impaired, and does not bleed... Bleeding in efflux is normal during the 4-24 hours after extraction. But if you experience more intensive or longer bleeding, refer to your dentist.
Swelling is generally very slight in simple tooth extraction, but it may be very apparent or big after surgical operations. To minimize swelling, operated area should be compressed with ice in 10-minute intervals on the first day.