Eylem Top



Latest appearing, backmost teeth. When they find a place on the jaw, and if the position is right, they appear properly and take place on the curve of jaws. Sometimes they appear in half, whereby some part of the tooth is within mucosa inside the bone, and some part is visible within the mouth. Sometimes, the entire tooth is embedded in the bone mucosa. If wisdom teeth do not grow properly, they need to be extracted, whether it causes aching or not. Even if there is no ache at that time, it is possible to swell with pain and be infected in time.


EXTRACTION OF THIRD MOLAR TEETHOn half-grown wisdom teeth, decays and infections (perico- ronitis) develop, as a result of accumulation of bacteria and food wastes on gum, and lack of cleaning of teeth. Such infection causes ache, swells and difficulty in opening jaws, and need to be extracted after administering antibiotics. Pressure of teeth which attempt but cannot complete, growing cause pain, and may affect neighbouring teeth too. They may need to be extracted due to pain. Other causes requiring extraction are: occurrence of soft tissue cyst. They may have to be extracted for Orthodontic purposes... They may need to be extracted during placement of prostheses.

After extraction, sponge is placed to help form thrombolysis at that region, which is kept for about 20 min. It is appropriate to not eat anything for about two hours. Painkiller should not be aspirin or derivatives, which dilute the blood. You should avoid over-salivating, and avoid granular food for that day. Cold dressing would be useful as it reduces swelling. For the first day, mouthwash should not be used, as it would adversely affect healing of wound, but you should start mouthwash the next day. It is recommended to use mouthwash for a week, three times a day. If you are a smoker, it is recommended to not smoke for at least three days, or reduce smoking, and not smoke at all for at least the first day.


If severe pain starts a few days after extraction, dry socket (alveolitis) may have occurred in the zone of extraction. In treatment, a painkiller containing antiseptic or antibiotic is pasted on the place of extraction. Additional antibiotic and/or painkiller may be recommended.